like the tides of my life
ty, ty. XD. 510 words

He didn't have to worry, but of course, he did anyway. That was what made Ares a good brother, he thought. He didn't just do what he had to. He wanted to go above and beyond, to do things for his sister that other people wouldn't, to take care of her. Ares didn't like that she had done a "drug" even for just one night, but at least it was one night instead of many times. She probably wasn't addicted yet or anything, but he still wished he could just take these bottles and smash them outside, letting the poison inside sink into the earth. But taking care of her or not, that just seemed wrong, it was her stuff and he would have to trust her to use her judgment. Or at least he'd have to give her the chance to use her judgment before stepping in if it became necessary.

Yuppp, Haven was a male. Just like Ares suspected. Or no, not just a male.. A knight. What did that mean? Sure, Ares knew what knights were. Old stories, silly stories about humans riding horses and carrying swords and slaying dragons and serving kings.. And marrying princesses. That sounded an awful lot like the type of manipulation that Ares had grown to expect of the world after spending his childhood with Tokyo. That sounded rather convenient, that this Haven happened to be a knight. And what sort of knight gave princesses alcohol? That seemed completely against the nobility and code of morality that came to mind when Ares thought of the old stories. Haven sounded as much of a knight as Ares was a god of war. And he managed to get Princess completely besotted, too, by the look on her face. The gray boy was not thrilled by the thought of this stranger manipulating his sister so thoroughly.

Had sex? He was just a kid. He was too young. They were both too young. Not even a year old, they had no business having sex. Besides, sex turned into puppies, didn't it? And there was no way in hell that either of them were ready to raise children. Ares had thoughts about girls sometimes, yeah, but that was way different then ever actually acting on any of them. "I dunno, there's a lot of pretty girls here." Mati's soft brown fur and enticing scent flooded his senses. Yeah, there was a girl. He just didn't feel right, talking about her. Talking about his feelings for her. It was too intensely private, too personal, too embarrassing because there was no way she'd ever reciprocate those feelings. "And I mean.. yeah, sometimes, I have thoughts or stuff. But I've never had sex. I'm too young, sex makes puppies and there's no way I can be a father." The implication was, of course, that Princess too was too young, and she should keep that in mind. "If Haven is a knight, why did he give you alcohol?" A sneaking suspicion of how that night may have gone crept into his mind.

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