fairytales breathing in me

Jasper's father was Ahren, and Ahren was mates to Naniko's great aunt's sister Matinee. They were related, she and Jasper, as very distant cousins. She didn't know what his life had been like before he had come to Clouded Tears, only that he had travelled quite a bit with some of their family members. She'd met him and had helped him build a structure in Clouded Tears-they'd become friends there. Naniko hadn't seen him in a while, but knew that he had to be running around somewhere.

"You're right." She smiled amiably, setting a few of the things down. She was still carrying the small slate and chalk that she had used when teaching Kansas how to read in her backpack, and she pulled it out along with a couple of books. "I have another student, as well, one in Clouded Tears. He's a sort of...brother to me. My adopted mother left me and became mates with the Alpha of Storm, the next pack over...and then had him and two others. I still consider them siblings" She smiled halfheartedly, then put the slate down in front of her. "Now for the lesson. The first thing that you need to know is the alphabet--all of the letters that make up the words. Each letter has a specific sound, just like in your language"


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