Exodus 22
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... mebomb.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:260px; background-position:top center; background-color:#000000; text-align:justify; font-family:tahoma; font-size:11px; color:#CA2334; line-height:16px">
        Her title had a foreign ring to it that complimented her exotic coat quite nicely; Anselm was always drawn to such strangely marked ladies, though he wasn't conscious of the reason. He simply followed the call of instinct, and here it bade him to seek partners as genetically dissimilar as possible. "What a lovely name for such an alluring woman," he commented smoothly, though with a raised brow. Dahlia was not a pack he liked to think of often, though it did concretely explain why she faintly bore Haku's scent. "Now what would you want with a skull, anyway?" he wondered aloud. "Is this Haku's way of hazing the newcomers?" he asked, tone somehow amused and disgusted all at once.

        He quickly forgot about it at her offer--it sounded like an acceptance if he ever heard one. Unfortunately, though, she didn't seem to understand that he was setting the terms here, not her. Even if she put a leash on him and tried to drag him there, he'd be bracing against the pull the entire way and yanking in decidedly the opposite direction. He didn't dare go within Dahlia, especially with only a lower ranked wolf as an escort. Haku would surely materialise from nowhere and go for blood, and if he managed to kill the shit-brown wolf the war would be rekindled. More likely than that, though, the entire pack would descend upon him and rip him limb from limb. That sounded like a far less glorious activity than getting laid.

        "Ah, but I have blankets and pillows in my den as well, and it is much closer," he reminded her simply. Why should he have to go for a hike when she was the one who'd come here and tried to take his things, anyway? It made no sense to the tattooed male and he barely even considered it as an option, tensions with Dahlia aside. "It's that way," he indicated with his pointed snout--mama didn't raise no fool, and he wasn't about to let her trail behind him and abscond with his property when his back was turned. Unfortunately for Tokyo, most any of the tricks she tried to play with him he'd already played with others himself, and he wasn't going to fall victim to his own popular methods of deceit.

And go figure, that's when I hit a wall. D: Sorry about the wait. Perhaps this thread could be resolved within a couple more rounds of posting?

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