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http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... blebg1.png); background-position: right center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 415px; height: 616px;">
sorry for the wait. words 376

I have lost the will to change

Blinking Leroy's red eyes looked at Anselm as his ears moved towards his new friend, at least he appeared on his way to becoming one by the looks of it. Breathing it took Leroy a moment to hear his company, brows pushed together at the thought of Sabeen's drug. Ugh that woman disgusts him. "it wasn't that great. I didn't even want the it so..yea she drugged me." Smiling slightly a small thought of amusement at himself flickered inside his mind. That will be one memory he won't forget. Taking a deep breath of fresh air was welcomed in his lungs though the chill against the warmth of the smoke made the husky shiver, leaning back into thechair felt nice as his shining red eyes looked at the fellow hybird. "it was..i'm not sure but it was in a niddle thing." His deep voice spoke of the strange item as his lip rinkled for a moment at the thought. "Yes good... it's much better then the weird shit." Scratching his neck with a clawed hand the tingling of his skine was everywhere like a little shock through his body, soon his hand found the necklace Svara had given him. When they were in love.

Pushing his thought's away Leroy eyes pulled back up to Anselm, unaware his hand still touching the necklace. "wait..what?" His brain had slowed down so he had to go back and listen to the words he had just taken in again."then we might be in for a long night." Red eyes glanced down at the piece of wood on Anselm's lap, yes they do need to do somthing. Sitting still was making him feel...strange as his skin tingled. Maybe his idea wasn't good but it was better then nothing. "well maybe we...build? Bitting his lip for a moment Leroy thought about what they can build and how they could do it...but build what?"maybe a, what's it called a sling-throw? you know it moves like this and can...well throw shit." Speaking leroy moved his hands to illusrate his idea.


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