Call The Porter, There's Too Much Baggage
WC: 487
OoC: Huzzah! Big Grin

Rain, rain, rain, cold and wet and miserable. Jacquez Trouillefou found himself holed up in the stables, trapped there with the ungrateful horses, impatiently waiting for the autumn storm to blow over. It had been raining on and off all day, but now it was torrential, and he could barely see through the sheets of water pouring a curtain over the open barn door. Every time the thunder growled overhead, the horses shifted uncomfortably and nickered to each other, the whites of their eyes flashing. They had all been wild once, and most of them were still untamed, but it seemed they would never be comfortable with the guttural snarls of the coastal thunderstorms.

The one-armed man paced the length of the barn, black eyes gleaming restlessly. He was tired of being stuck here with the jumpy oversized deer that his loyal subjects kept as pets. But he did not want to be drenched by the chilly rain, either, so what choice did he have? A velvety muzzle nudged his good arm unexpectedly, and he turned, seeing his little filly standing free and untethered. "Rue, I do not have the time to play with you," he grumbled under his breath, but ruffled her ears all the same. It had been two months since Rue's birth and the subsequent loss of her mother. Jac had been unwillingly chosen as the runty horse's foster parent, since she tried to follow him everywhere. Her spindly legs were long enough to gallop now, and her head almost reached his shoulder. She was growing up, and learning to demand more of the king's attention.

He turned his back to the paint filly to watch a particularly brilliant flash of lightning. It looked close, judging by the almost immediate crack of thunder. With a frightened trumpet, Rue shied, bolting through the curtain of rain and into the storm. Jacquez snarled a string of curse words, dashing after his unruly ward as the rain erupted around him. Almost instantly, his flashy fur was plastered flat against his lean frame, his folded ears limp and soggy as the relentless water soaked him to the bone. He could barely see anything in this cold deluge, and he certainly couldn't smell anything with the way everything was being washed away. "The little idiot will break her neck," he growled, running blindly after the young horse.

The tall grass of the field whipped against his shins, the constant drumming of the downpour drowning out all but the faintest cry - was someone shouting? The lean Optime shielded his eyes from the haze of drizzle, squinting through the sea of grey for any signs of life. There was a red smudge moving, galloping? And a smaller white mark veering towards the other animal. It had to be Rue.
The king took a deep breath, expanding his chest to bellow over the storm, "Rue, petite imbécile, viens ici maintenant!"


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