Call The Porter, There's Too Much Baggage

WC: 400+
Big Grin And so it begins… Muahahaahaaaaa!

EDIT: My spelling sucked! D: I need to get a better writing program...

Finn froze, stopping dead in her tracks as the shape whipped past her. She blinked the water out of her eyes, staring at the creature that ran up to meet Alastair. She took up her run again, meeting the deer halfway across the field. He was snorting and tossing his head nervously, and at his side was… a baby deer? Finn had never seen something quite like the conjuration that walked through the rain at the. She pulled up short, staring hard at it. It couldn’t be a deer, the shape was, well, wrong.

”Come on, Alastair. We need to get out of he-” Finn stopped again, the words falling silent on her tongue as someone bellowed through the rain. The language was as strange as the little not-deer, and Finn could not recognize a single word from it. She sincerely hoped it wasn’t directed at her. The wolf sighed, knowing that the jig was up, someone had arrived and probably seen her. She felt jittery, her breath coming in short gasps from her run, her blood pumping quickly. Would she be in trouble now? Would there be a fight? She really didn’t feel like brawling with someone tonight, not in this weather.

Slowly a shape came out of the gloom. Finn backed up a bit, assuming the age old posture of subservience, dropping her eyes to the grass at her feet and putting her crooked tail between her legs. ”My apologies, sir” She said woodenly when the figure was a little closer, ”I didn’t mean to trespass.” She couldn’t fully see the wolf who approached, but she could tell that he was a Luperci by the way he stood. Finn shot an annoyed glare at Alastair out of the corner of her eyes. The deer just crowded closer to her, caught between lowering his antlers and charging, or fleeing like a whipped cur.

Once again, Finn found herself looking at the not-deer. It was small and sort of gangly, and looked to be quite young, but she still couldn’t figure out what it was. Curiosity warred with respect and fear. In the end, curiosity was the victor. ”I’m sorry, but I have to ask. What is that?” Finn queried, still keeping her head down. A trace of the regular buoyancy usually present in her tone returned. She couldn’t help but want to know. She had found a gap in her knowledge, a hole that needed to be filled as soon as possible.

Waiting for her answer, Finn crouched a little lower in the grass, shivering as the water rolled down her back. If there was to be a fight, she would surely die today. She was not rested, nor limbered up, nor even in the right mindset. She was lost, cold, confused, alone. And she would be up against a Luperci, whilst she herself was not a full one yet.


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