cramming the world into a (phrase)

They spent their entire lives falling. Born at the summit of the highest peak, they tumbled out of their poor mothers' wombs and fell. At first, there are others, family, siblings, parents. But one by one, they all fall apart, each with their own speeds. Gravity and air resistance pull them apart and onward they tumble alone. And then maybe they'll meet others on their way down; they're always reaching for something to hold onto -- something tangible and real. Something real. So they'd hold onto each other, desperate and clinging, but the end was inevitable. They fell faster and faster, spiraling towards the fires of hell below. And they would fall apart again no matter how hard they tried.

They always fell apart.

More than halfway down now, what did he have to hold on to? He didn't even have himself. Laruku wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and stay there forever. What could he tell Ahren? Only Phasma knew and he hadn't been the one to tell her. Could he ever tell anyone? Could he find the words? Were there even any words? There was no reason. No reason would be enough. Nothing would ever be enough. Nothing, never. You deserve to die. YOU DESERVE IT. The book lay discarded on the grass now and the hybrid leaned heavily against the tree, idle hands tracing the places where the skin rose in patterns across his wrists. I don't remember anything. I just know I did it. Did it really matter how? He knew it was true. He had seen her face (and he had imagined his). Why? God, I can't even make up a reason that would make any sort of fucked up sense. There can never be a reason for that.


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