fool's gold
There was a certain coarseness to the Aquila's voice that Hezekiah both expected and not, but he was sure to right himself as soon as the command had came forward. Maybe what was surprising was the fact that when he expected his legs to be something akin to wet noodles, they weren't, and Hezekiah was quick to chalk that up to fear too. It may as well have been, because he couldn't pin down the feeling that bubbled up within him as he drew his gaze back towards Gabriel's dark muzzle to acknowledge his words firmly. And for a moment, they didn't register. He hadn't expected a question, no, he had expected to be told to stop being underfoot, to get out of the way, or something akin to those.

“I… was trying to get out of the rain,” he said, trying not to let his voice falter or otherwise make his quiet statement unclear. “I didn't meant to get in your way, I'm sorry,” and for the most part, at least he was good at apologies. Even though every mark of instinct in his head told him to drop and roll, to evade whatever it was that he had descried in those eyes, he was at least managing to maintain some sort of halfway point between standing at his full height (which still would have been smaller than the doggish Aquila) and appearing to crawl the ground like the drowned rat he'd look like by the time he got out of the rain.

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