fool's gold

     There had always been a certain bluntness in the way that Gabriel spoke. This was not to say he was by any means uneducated. Wordiness, as he saw it, was unnecessary. It was a militaristic thought, one that belonged to the world Gabriel believed in. Most people here were unfamiliar with such concepts, raised outside of anything more dangerous then a summer storm. The way that this boy reacted to his voice told him that he had been given orders before, and not questions.
     Gabriel grunted, and shook his neck. “You weren’t in my way,” he explained, and began to pass the boy. “Come with me, we’re not far from the Mansion.” With that his pace picked up to a trot, moving at a speed he found comfortable. It would not take more then ten minutes at this brisk pace to reach the building and at least then they would be out of the rain. While the Mansion was not a place Gabriel frequented (due mostly to the associations he had with it) it was closer then the Caves.


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