fool's gold
A few minutes later, the mansion came into full view against the wilderness of the heavy forest that led out of Inferni. He didn’t know what to make of the mostly brick structure with it’s faded roof and grimy Tudor-esque stylings initially, but the closer they got and the heavier the rain seemed to be, every soaking wet step towards it became necessary. Ignoring the ghastly, dark windows as they approached the porch, Hezekiah watched Gabriel go up them first before following him, stumbling with the first step but otherwise finding the others easy to navigate. Then beneath the cover of it’s own roof, he too shook the heavy water from his coat with a sigh at the sound of the grumbling thunder.

Momentarily, Hezekiah cast his eyes upward at the overhang, as though there were something up there to descry from everything else that was around him. Houses were just as foreign as everything else he had seen, although this place was no house. It was bigger and better than anything the boy had seen before, and his attention moved on to what else there was to be seen, that was until Gabriel had addressed him. This time, when his translucent blue eyes met the vibrant gold of his leaders, he didn’t see whatever it was that he had saw before. What fear there had been had for the most part disappeared in the time it had taken for them to cross the forest to the mansion, but a small part of it nagged absently at the back of his head.

“Kaena did,” he explained, turning his muzzle to briefly glance at where the wound had turned to nothing more than scabbing that had started to flake free. “She put something on it and bandaged it up… and I’ve been mostly resting until it didn’t hurt so much to move around.” His head—where they had been no wound outside of unseen bruising—had stopped aching long ago, but his side had taken several days to simply stop being a source of constant pain. But now that he had been there a couple of weeks, he had lucked out at getting aid that had helped tremendously.

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