you can bang your drums (we will play along)
This thread's subtitle made me smile. (:

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Days ago, Snake had ventured out of Inferni for the first time in a few weeks and explored part of the Dampwoods. Now he felt even more possessed by the thought of exploring, and so he had set off this day with the thought to go even further south into the Souls territory. He started similarly to the last time, going east into the Dampwoods but then fanning out in a southwestern direction into Arachnea’s Revenge—he scented a wolf pack further south and made sure to stay away from them. Eventually he noticed the skyline of a city to the south and, fascinated and terrified at the same time, Snake began to approach it.

The city of Halifax was very similar to New Haven, though it seemed to be holding its own against time a little bit better. Most of the buildings of New Haven had fallen to the ground, allowing the canines that inhabited it to rest within their crumbled corpses. Here, however, things seemed mostly intact, though they were slowly being retaken by nature. One example of this that Snake came across was the campus of a university. The signifying building, a taller tower, was being devoured by ivy inside and out from what he could see. The young coyote wandered the decrepit streets, making swift comparisons in his mind between this place and New Haven.

His own quiet musings were destroyed when a smashing sound and the bell-like sound of broken glass came to his ears. His eyes widened and he fought the instinct to flee—he was curious, so he wandered towards the sound (something that he might regret doing later). He rounded the corner of a brick building and saw a wolf, whose scent he couldn’t distinguish to be from any pack, standing over a busted meal human object. In the other lycanthrope’s claws was a metal rod of some nature, which he probably used to crush the broken thing at his feet. Snake felt the initial cold dread seep into his heart, and felt the urge to flee, but he couldn’t move. The boy merely watched.


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