Won't you (get on your knees) have faith
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The appearance of the strange male was disturbing. What was wrong with his face? Despite the unnerving outward look though there didn't seem to be anything hostile about him. Though when he shoved his arms out at her her leg lifted in the air, shoulder moving away from the unwanted advance. Something was not normal about this creature and it made the Commander wary. Anu spoke though and part of the problem became clear. He couldn't hear? That was so strange, she had never run across anyone with such a disability. Eyes looked back to the masked wolf and tentatively she reached out with her jaws and snatched the piece of paper out of his hands. It was a good thing that Kansas had taught her to read. Still the skill was new to her though and it took her a few moments to decipher the writing.

"It says, 'I deaf and mute I need a place to stay I cook good pay attention and take orders like army soldier I do what you ask.'" Savina looked back to Anu. "That's all well and good, but how are we to communicate with him?" That was the most pending problem. Curiously she looked back to the male. "Can you understand us?" she asked slowly.


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