Won't you (get on your knees) have faith
Husk bobbed with excitement as he watched the black wolf read the paper. His childish nature made him excited about little things like these. It was a little disturbing to watch a fully grown (not to mention ridiculously large) shifted Luperci male giggle like a schoolgirl just watching someone do an everyday action. Husk certainly was strange. He saw that the two quickly exchanged words and then the darker female looked at him. When her eyes were on him, his ears perked up and he gave her a childish smile.

She asked if he could understand her, and he flung his head up and down crazily, his tongue sticking out slightly. He thought of trying to use sign language with this female. He first pointed to himself, then fingerspelled his name: H-U-S-K. He did it slowly, as she had spoken slowly to him. He pointed to himself several more times. "I unstawnd."

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