Dancing in the evening light

Ayita was calm for a change her emotions had caught up to her but not today she was going to stay as calm as possible. "I couldn't think of any other reason you'd come this way" She said as she looked at Svara who had smoothly changed forms standing equal with her.

She shifted her weight using the tree she was near to help her. "They are due all too soon." She said looking at svara. "I doubt you really care, so why bother asking? If your trying to play games with me like firefly I wont listen." She said with a huff. She was tired so very tired she knew how soon within the next few weeks any day that scared her.

She stepped a bit closer to Svara what had honestly brought her back here it couldn't have been an emotional attachment. Or did the girl behind all the scars and all the anger actually have a heart. Was she missing someone here? She knew Leroy didn't want a thing to do with Svara and she was unsure about where she stood. "What made you decide to return here?" She asked pushing her body to stand up more straightly she was just tired today and it was driving her nuts.


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