I Saw the Future Whirling Around
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He never wanted to hurt her, and had never intended to do anything to bring that onto her. He knew he had though. On this occasions and ones before it. The worst was when he had decided that he could not come home the first time. The male had known that he had needed to do that to save himself but knowing that it had hurt her so severely had been horrible. It had made him want to abandon his decision and just do what she wanted and be where she wanted him to be. Deep down though he knew that that wouldn't have made either of them happy. Maybe they would have been for a time, but Haven would just used his family as a crutch, not being able to stand on his own. That would have inevitably been something he would have been unable to hide and it would have made him miserable. Mati would have sensed that no matter how much he would have tried to keep it from her. No, as difficult as this was this was what was best. For the both of them. It didn't seem like it all the time, but he knew it was. He hoped she realized that too, and if not right now that she would with time.

That small smile gave him hope though. Hope that she understood and would not hold it against him. Hope that she knew that she was still one of the most important, if not the most, things in his life. He was relieved to see that smile grow with his last words. "Good. It would kill me if you didn't." Haven needed his sister to know that even though they lived in separate packs that didn't mean that he was gone and that he would not be there for her. He would always be there for her, for whatever she needed of him. If it was just to have fun or a shoulder to cry on. Anything she needed of him he would gladly give. He hugged her then, not wanting the physical distance any longer, not able to stand it. His muscular arms held his larger sibling to him tightly and securely.

"Yes, I will, I promise." He would not fall into his vice again. He would not turn to the substance that only caused problems. He would go to her, just as he knew that he would want her to come to him in the same situation. Haven could sense the humor in her and almost the willingness to teach Princess a lesson and he couldn't help but be amused, but he did not want animosity between the two. "I know you don't really like her right now, but give her a chance? She's not so different from us..." The atrocities in the Chance girl's past were not so different from the skeletons in their family's closet.


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