Won't you (get on your knees) have faith
The black female gave him uncertain looks, but Husk paid no mind. He was happy to have made new friends. Anoo and... "Sa'ina?" He wasn't sure of the pronounciation, but he could tell how it was spelled. He pointed to Savina, and spelled her name slowly: S-A-V-I-N-A. He liked how they spoke slowly and awknowledged his ability to lipread. He then pointed to Anu and spelled her name as well: A-N-E-W. He didn't know it was wrong, but it was a clever try for someone completely deaf. He gave her an uncertain look and then stared at his hands. He waved it off, knowing he'd get it sometime later.

Savina then spoke to Anu again, something about giving. Give what? And to who? To him? The thought made him excited, as the word "giving" in Husk's mind was related to "present". That of course wasn't the case. Savina turned to him, again speaking slowly and articulately, about Crimson Dreams. Crimson Dreams was this place, as the grey female said it was. She said he could stay (which made him excited of course) and that he was a basic officer. What was that? He had absolutely no clue, but saved the words for later. She then told him that she and Anu were his leaders, "leaders" being a word he understood well. He nodded, pointing to the two of them and then making a motion where he stood on his tiptoes and made a sweeping motion with his hand, showing that they were metaphorically "at the top". He tried to say Crimson Dreams again, his tongue fumbling over the name. "Crim'on Dreem?"

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