Call The Porter, There's Too Much Baggage

WC: 400+
No worries! I’m just anxious to get joined and get our little plot rolling. :3

”Thank you,” Finn murmured gratefully, trotting after the one-armed king. Alastair galloped ahead, darting after the filly with big leaps. He hated the rain as much as Finn did, he just didn’t like to admit it. The stable’s lights were bright and comforting, and the air was much warmer here, as the horses in the stall lent their own body heat to the place. Though it made Finn’s hair stand on end to be inside a building, she was too tired to make a fuss. She stretched, putting her paws out in front of her and growling lightly in pleasure as the vertebrae along her popped. That done, she turned to regard the king once more.

”I do have a reason for being here,” She assured him, ”I don’t usually make a habit of traipsing over pack lands.” She could feel the water evaporating even as she sat there. The warmth was seeping in, scorching out the cold with a steady, slow burn. As feeling returned to her frozen toes, so too did Finns naturally happy nature. It was easy to be miserable when it felt like the skies were spitting at you. Worries and cares tended to evaporate when faced with lamplight and a roof over one’s head.

”I met one of your wolves in Halifax a little while ago,” Finn continued, trying to explain. ”When he told me about this place, it just seemed like… Like somewhere I might actually stay.” She grinned lopsidedly, remembering her past history with packs. Most of it wasn’t very good. ”But I’m getting ahead of myself, I guess. You may not even need another body round here. What I’m trying to say is, I’d like to join Cour des Miracles.” There was no point beating around the bush, dilly-dallying wouldn’t win her points, and Finn couldn’t play coy very well.

She stopped again, watching the other canine. Would she have to sell her skills? Tell him what she could do? Finn supposed it wouldn’t hurt, but she’d only bring up if he asked. There was no point bombarding him with information at this point, not when he could still say no. Finn hoped he wouldn’t, but knew it was a possibility. Rejection meant another long winter, for both her and Alastair, and possibility a departure from Nova Scotia in the spring. Perhaps she would head south, where it never snowed at all and the sun was hot bright and unimpeded by clouds or trees.


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