Absense makes the heart grow fonder
WC: 322

Ruri's sweet gentle voice was struggling to sound stern as she lectured him. It was hard to take her admonishments seriously, but he tried to keep a straight face as he nodded. She would feel his head bobbing, at least, and not notice the amused smile playing on his lips. "If you say so, ma douce," he acquiesced aloud. He narrowed his eyes at the napping filly, silently disagreeing.

Jacquez sighed, eyebrows furrowing as he pouted. "You should not have concerned yourself so, petite," he rumbled, moving slowly to sit down atop the warm rock. His hand was still steadying her legs, but she could now slip safely off his shoulders if she so desired. "I was just exploring the land surrounding ours, to see what else was around. There is so much variety here, mountains that are so big, it would take days and days to climb over them; rivers of water that rush by so fast that even the fish cannot fight the current; flat open fields that are so empty not a soul can be heard. There is so much space here, not like the decks of a ship or the crowded land down south. I was... curious."

There was a shade of remorse in his serious tone, although the apology was never put into words. Ruri was still the only one he had genuine feelings for, and it did not seem likely for anyone else to weasel their way into his closed-off heart as she had done years ago. She was his counterpart, and she was supposed to be happy and friendly and make up for his shortcomings as a leader. Her feelings were becoming more complex as she matured, though, and it was increasingly difficult to understand her needs... What would happen when she was a more complete person than him? When she fell in love? He was already suspicious that he was starting to lose her...


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