I'm so sane, it's driving me crazy

http://sixpop.com/images/file/61136804.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:380px; background-position:bottom center;">

Soran nudged Remedy back fondly as the younger female began to talk. The dark fae chuckled at the younger fae's sarcastic tone as she noted the change in her pelt colour. Indeed her coat was a lot darker than it had been when Soran had last seen her, she had grown into quite a beautiful female. The jade eyed lady nodded with a wry smile as Remedy noted that she had not changed at all, it was true, the dark lady was pretty much the same as she had been before, her tattoo had gained some new green lines that intertwined with the red ones and she had pierced her ear, but that was it, she was simply herself, but older. In sharp contrast to Remedy, her changed had been on the inside, she had gone through many stages and she was now no longer sure who she was, though she hoped that coming home would remind her. Soran had been many things in her time, an orphan, a warrior, a mother, a huntress, but it had been when she had been made a victim that she had lost herself, and although she was closer to being herself again, she was not quite there yet.

The dark lady flinched slightly at the question of where she had been, she did not want to explain how she had abandoned her family twice, though she supposed that Remedy would not judge her harshly.
"Oh I've been everywhere, down past the borders, I've met a few other packs and seen many new things, but more seriously, I suppose that I lost myself Remedy dear, so I left to find myself and have yet again found myself here, this is home, I think what's left of me that I need to find must be here somewhere." She replied with a wry smile, wondering how much to reveal, her drunken state before she left could be safely omitted she felt, there was no need for anyone to know that.
"And what of you? What have you been up to? How have you been?" Soran asked suddenly, wanting to know how her old friend had been.


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