I'm so sane, it's driving me crazy

http://sixpop.com/images/file/61136804.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:380px; background-position:bottom center;">

Soran had known that the young female had been looking for her father, though she did now know whether or not she had found him, she hoped that the dark girl had found him, as parents were important things to have. The ebony fae no longer had either of hers, her father had killed her mother before Soran had even been old enough to know her, he had then killed her adopted mother who had raised and nurtured her, then finally he himself had died, by her own paws, and although it had been an accident and he had deserved it, Soran's heart was still heavy when she remembered that she was an orphan with no siblings that she knew of, she had been all alone. This thought only intensified her guilt at having left her pups behind without their mother, making them orphan like as well, their father was dead after all and with her gone they had had no-one. She was so sorry about that, and she hoped that she would get a chance to tell them.
"How did your quest to find your father go by the way?" Soran asked, as she listened to Remedy's tale, smiling as she realised that the young girl did know, in part, how she had felt, about how she felt that she would better find herself if she was alone.


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