It's all so far apart
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500+ words.

######Instead of answering her first question, Jantus spoke with the tone of discouragement that he had used before, and Princess frowned at him, annoyed that he was acting like that once more. Obviously, she knew of the dangers that Inferni could pose, considering she was from the area and knew a member while Jantus was not and did not, probably. It was a shame that he had decided to use that tone again, since she was certain that she knew just how many madmen or murders it would take for her to go down - zero. If her mother couldn't do it the day she slaughtered the other three puppies, sparing her and the pup that would become her abused brother, then no one in Inferni could take her down, either. There was some reason she was still alive, despite the fact that she could have easily been one of the killed puppies, or she could have simply died when she had ran away from her mother, and no one in Inferni could change that.

######It was a shame that Jantus had once again used that tone, because she was no longer interested in listening to anything he had to say. Regardless, she remained quiet out of politeness, but her heart wasn't really into listening. Though her outside appearance made her seem to be paying complete attention to what he was saying, her mind was wandering a bit. Soon, she would be going to visit Haven, she had decided. With Anselm's talk in mind, she had made up with her brother on her birthday, and it had been about a month since the day Haven had come to Crimson Dreams to visit her and talk about what had happened. Princess had wanted to go see him many times since then, but nerves had talked her out of it, just incase he was not actually interested in seeing her again. Soon, though, she would be visiting him, whether he liked it or not. To herself, she owed that much, and it was also unlikely that he would be unhappy about her visitting. She was just thinking too far into things, now, which was almost always a bad thing.

######Though her mind had been wandering a bit during his lengthy explanation, Princess had actually heard everything he had said, which was not very interesting at all. There was little chance that she would ever meet his daughters, so she did not particularly care what they were like, but he seemed to enjoy talking about them, so she smiled at him when he was finished. It was the least she could do, since she had been the one to ask about his family and his pack. "Sounds like you have a nice family, then. Maybe you should go back and try to work things out with. . . Vel, yeah? I mean, you should try and figure everything out or even just say good bye, unless you've done something bad to her," she added, thinking of her own mother's actions that had driven her away a total of three times now. There had been the first time, when she and her brother had crawled away as their siblings were slaughtered. The next time had been when they were three or four months and left together, and the last had been when she had gone to Crimson Dreams. Hopefully that would be the last time.

Table by Erin!

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