on rainy days we'd go swimming out
http://sixpop.com/files/1024/graphics/Daisuke-T1.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top;">

OOC: ...

BIC: Yes, finding a friendly place to be is always important, Phoenix Valley is the friendliest place I've come across here. Not everyone is welcoming. I know from experience. she spoke, and he nodded his head in agreement. He would not dare to ask for proof of her adventures, because in all reality, who needed proof to say they've done something? Daisuke surely didn't. He would believe her no matter what. Phoenix Valley. ..What a pretty name for this place. Er...pack. he spoke, smiling lightly to her. He let his tail wag behind him lightly, his body still in the rain that poured from the sky and onto him and the land around him. He would not move unless invited to do so. He was too....respectful for that. He thought back to the other packlands once again. Snake had been forcefully thrown into a relationship with him, only because Daisuke was too nice to attack, and then there was Heath, whom had shared this thing called "Vodka" with him that made him feel all funny, and numb to pain, and then there was Svara. The female had given him the most interesting encounter of his life, though he could more than likely say that each encounter started off with slight hostility. Well it either ended in hostility, or started. Whichever one. Adventures will teach you things, that they surely will. he agreed, a smile still sitting on his golden maw, and his head nodding lightly.

Thank you, I've never liked hostility. she spoke, accepting his compliments. The boy nodded his head. Hostility leads to nothing but trouble... he started, his blue eyes on her own. Her eyes were golden, like his sister's. Gold was a common color he supposed. He had yet to meet another wolf with blue eyes here. It was interesting to him. Plus, the world would be so much better with peace. Think about it. No war, and we'd all be able to live in harmony. In Peace. That would be perfect... he spoke as he leaned back and put his arms back to support his slanted body. His feet pulled out from under him, and stretched out infront of him, and his tail pulled itself to the left side of him. He threw his head back for a few seconds, the rain hitting his face straight on now. Meh. I heard that the coyotes and the wolves here were fighting. You know anything about that, m'lady? he asked, his eyes moving back onto her, and a curious look appearing on his face.

mall fonts; text-align:right;">table by Ryne

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