Everything Tastes Better.
Just all his graphics he's ever had. Credits are in the tables, or under the avatars.

[Image: Daisukepostlog.png]

Daisuke C. Urahazu is son of Kisuke Urahazu, and Sathra Altaire. This is his post log table that I made. nyuuu touchie.




OOC: Sexfest © to Nikkie ™

test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test


got lost in the fire, my fatal desire For my dear Jacoby. I've been meaning to tell you. I've got this feelin' that won't subside. I look at you and I fantasize. You're mine tonight. Now I've got you in my sights. With these hungry eyes. One look at you and I can't disguise, I've got hungry eyes. I feel the magic between you and I, I want to hold you so hear me out. I want to show you what love's all about. Darlin' tonight. Now I've got you in my sights. Now I've got you in my sights. With these hungry eyes. Now did I take you by surprise. I need you to see. That you were meant for me. I've been meaning to tell you. I've got this feelin' that won't subside. I look at you and I fantasize. You're mine tonight. Now I've got you

code with permission by jeroldine
Image by umbree

http://sixpop.com/files/1024/graphics/Daisuke-T1.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top;">

He's a stranger to some. And a vision to none. He can never get enough. Get enough of the one. For a fortune he'd quit. But it's hard to admit. How it ends and begins. On his face is a map of the world. A map of the world. On his face is a map of the world. A map of the world. From yesterday, it's coming! From yesterday, the fear! From yesterday, it calls him. But he doesn't want to read the message here. On a mountain he sits, not of gold but of sin. through the blood he can learn, see the life that he turns. From a council of one. He'll decide when he's done with the innocent. Oh his face is a map of the world. A map of the world. Oh his face is a map of the world. A map of the world. From yesterday, it's coming! From yesterday, the fear! From yesterday, it calls him. But he doesn't want to read the message. he doesn't want to read the message. But he doesn't want to read the message here. On his face is a map of the world. From yesterday, it's coming! From yesterday, the fear! From yesterday, it calls him. But he doesn't want to read the message here. From yesterday. From yesterday. From yesterday, the fear. From yesterday. From yesterday. But he doesn't want to read the message. He doesn't want to read the message. He doesn’t want to read the message here.

mall fonts; text-align:right;">table by Ryne

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... remake.png); background-color:#000000; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
©table code and image to jacoby

With every hex block moving from each thing he saw, little descriptions of their uses started to pop up in front of his eyes. Icy blue orbs read all of the descriptions, calculating a plan. His tail wagged lightly as he figured out his own way. He shivered excitedly before it was time to get going. With the excited GO! he had spat to start the race, the mechanics in his body pushed his forward. The electrical currents activated the gears that engaged the automail that lay beneath his thick fur and cover-up skin. Tres took off, each step computed, each step evaluated. The snow beneath his feet crunched, and flew out behind the male. His feet hit the snow hard, but he was still able to stay within range of the female. With a swift change of direction at the first corner, the male cut to the right, away from the feo, and into a small forest. The snow was still in the small forest type place, and would rather deal with that. He jumped between trees, and once he made it around the first corner, be busted out at the same time the feo was over the ice. He growled slightly at his miscalculation, but it didn't matter, they were head to head now, and he wasn't about to give up.

speak think walk



test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test

Table and image by Jay


test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test "Speek"

Table and image by Jay

ooc: out of character here.

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

table made by sodapop.


With every hex block moving from each thing he saw, little descriptions of their uses started to pop up in front of his eyes. Icy blue orbs read all of the descriptions, calculating a plan. His tail wagged lightly as he figured out his own way. He shivered excitedly before it was time to get going. With the excited GO! he had spat to start the race, the mechanics in his body pushed his forward. The electrical currents activated the gears that engaged the automail that lay beneath his thick fur and cover-up skin. Tres took off, each step computed, each step evaluated.


http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/4558 ... ecolor.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top;">


He's a stranger to some. And a vision to none. He can never get enough. Get enough of the one. For a fortune he'd quit. But it's hard to admit. How it ends and begins. On his face is a map of the world. A map of the world. On his face is a map of the world. A map of the world. From yesterday, it's coming! From yesterday, the fear! From yesterday, it calls him. But he doesn't want to read the message here. On a mountain he sits, not of gold but of sin. through the blood he can learn, see the life that he turns. From a council of one. He'll decide when he's done with the innocent. Oh his face is a map of the world. A map of the world. Oh his face is a map of the world. A map of the world. From yesterday, it's coming! From yesterday, the fear! From yesterday, it calls him. But he doesn't want to read the message. he doesn't want to read the message. But he doesn't want to read the message here. On his face is a map of the world. From yesterday, it's coming! From yesterday, the fear! From yesterday, it calls him. But he doesn't want to read the message here. From yesterday. From yesterday. From yesterday, the fear. From yesterday. From yesterday. But he doesn't want to read the message. He doesn't want to read the message. He doesn’t want to read the message here.


mall fonts; text-align:right;">table by Ryne
Image by Tao

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... oggles.png); background-color:#0b010a; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
OOC: Table © Jacoby
How breathless I feel in your arms
There's no one before in my eyes...

The primary effects attributable to MDMA consumption are predictable and fairly consistent amongst users.[36][37][38] The most common effects include: * Euphoria * Decreased hostility and insecurity * Increased feelings of intimacy with others * Feelings of empathy towards others * Ability to discuss anxiety-provoking topics with markedly increased ease * A strong sense of inner peace and self-acceptance * Feelings of insightfulness and mental clarity * Intensification of sensory experience, particularly auditory and tactile * Decreased appetite * Urinary retention (also see hyponatremia) * Mydriasis (abnormal pupil dilation) * Increased physical energy * Increased heart rate and blood pressure * Increased mean body temperature Other effects may include: * Short-term memory lapses * Trisma (lockjaw) * Bruxia (involuntary teeth grinding) * Nystagmus (rapid, uncontrollable eye movements) * Several hours of restlessness following primary subjective effects, sometimes accompanied by residual euphoria * A period of general malaise following primary subjective effects, normally resolving within a few days * Mildly blurred vision following primary subjective effects, gradually resolving over a period of up to several days, also known as "plurring" Serious complications increasing in likelihood with dose, environmental severity, degree of physical activity, and/or certain drug interactions include:

I'll take what you give me
Everything sounds better....


http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... hdance.png); background-color:#000000; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
©table and image by jacoby

There was no anguish like the one that he was feeling right now. No possible way that it could get any worse. His twin had turned against him. The one wolf that he loved and trusted most in the world was ready to kill him. Was it really so bad that he had tried to pry to find out what his brother wouldn't tell him? They used to share everything and now Die was keeping secrets from him. He never had reason to pry before. Had never tried to before because he trusted Die that much. If he had known Die was going to blow up like that then he never would have. How strange is that? There had gotten to be points on which he didn't know how his brother would react. When had they started to drift so far apart. He knew their games had increased to the point that they couldn't spend the days together because they were both gathering puppets. They couldn't be seen together if they were to pretend to be each other. But they still came together at nights. He had always figured that they were sharing everything. He had never once thought that Die would keep anything from him.

The Name's Daisuke Ghanjai/Urahazu. You are? Only a genius works in coexistence with their mind and now I dance away, singing a tune that only I can hear.



OOC: table code, image, and Filler © Jacoby! This table is for DAISUKE only. Steal, and I'll cut your face off.


Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.

The Name's Daisuke Ghanjai/Urahazu. You are? Only a genius works in coexistence with their mind and now I dance away, singing a tune that only I can hear.



OOC: table code, image, and Filler © Jacoby! This table is for Jacoby's Characters ONLY. Steal, and I'll cut your face off.


Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.

The Name's Daisuke Ghanjai/Urahazu. You are? Only a genius works in coexistence with their mind and now I dance away, singing a tune that only I can hear.


http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... cket-2.png); background-color:#0f3c3a; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">

©table code and image to jacoby

Well ain't that a bitch? Have you not realized that I am indeed a ninja? I mean, the things I do, the way I act, I'm sneaky, conniving almost. You really should realize who you're talking to. Think about it, who else could play a ninja but a ninja? I mean, if you don't believe me, then I can come over there and slice your face off if you want. Totally your choice. Well ain't that a bitch? Have you not realized that I am indeed a ninja? I mean, the things I do, the way I act, I'm sneaky, conniving almost. You really should realize who you're talking to. Think about it, who else could play a ninja but a ninja? I mean, if you don't believe me, then I can come over there and slice your face off if you want. Totally your choice. Well ain't that a bitch? Have you not realized that I am indeed a ninja? I mean, the things I do, the way I act, I'm sneaky, conniving almost. You really should realize who you're talking to. Think about it, who else could play a ninja but a ninja? I mean, if you don't believe me, then I can come over there and slice your face off if you want. Totally your choice.

speak think walk


OOC: Table © Sace: Thanks so much <33

It is very interesting to think of the numerous types of locomotion which animals have discovered—pulling and punting, sculling and rowing, and of the changes that are rung on these four main methods. How striking is the case of the frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus) of Australia, which at the present time is, as it were, experimenting in bipedal progression—always a rather eventful thing to do. It gets up on its hind-legs and runs totteringly for a few feet, just like a baby learning to walk.

How beautiful is the adventure which has led our dipper or water-ouzel— "a bird allied to the wrens"—to try walking and flying under water! How admirable is the volplaning of numerous parachutists—"flying fish," "flying frog," "flying dragon," "flying phalanger," "flying squirrel," and more besides, which take great leaps through the air. For are these not the splendid failures that might have succeeded in starting new modes of flight?


http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... etable.png); background-color:#c40000; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
OOC: ©table code:Jacoby-image © Alaine: For Daisuke. <3 Touch and die; Und Yush, Daisuke likes DDR

Well ain't that a bitch? Have you not realized that I am indeed a ninja? I mean, the things I do, the way I act, I'm sneaky, conniving almost. You really should realize who you're talking to. Think about it, who else could play a ninja but a ninja? I mean, if you don't believe me, then I can come over there and slice your face off if you want. Totally your choice. Well ain't that a bitch? Have you not realized that I am indeed a ninja? I mean, the things I do, the way I act, I'm sneaky, conniving almost. You really should realize who you're talking to. Think about it, who else could play a ninja but a ninja? I mean, if you don't believe me, then I can come over there and slice your face off if you want. Totally your choice.

Sometimes I don't know why I try Because it's easier to die than to get by, than to get by And you and me, we can be buddies, we can be bloody


http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... netabg.png); background-color:#187516; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
OOC: ©table code:Jacoby-image © Alaine: For Daisuke. <3 Touch and die; Und Yush, Daisuke likes DDR

Well ain't that a bitch? Have you not realized that I am indeed a ninja? I mean, the things I do, the way I act, I'm sneaky, conniving almost. You really should realize who you're talking to. Think about it, who else could play a ninja but a ninja? I mean, if you don't believe me, then I can come over there and slice your face off if you want. Totally your choice. Well ain't that a bitch? Have you not realized that I am indeed a ninja? I mean, the things I do, the way I act, I'm sneaky, conniving almost. You really should realize who you're talking to. Think about it, who else could play a ninja but a ninja? I mean, if you don't believe me, then I can come over there and slice your face off if you want. Totally your choice. Well ain't that a bitch? Have you not realized that I am indeed a ninja? I mean, the things I do, the way I act, I'm sneaky, conniving almost. You really should realize who you're talking to. Think about it, who else could play a ninja but a ninja? I mean, if you don't believe me, then I can come over there and slice your face off if you want. Totally your choice.

Sometimes I don't know why I try Because it's easier to die than to get by, than to get by And you and me, we can be buddies, we can be bloody


http://i48.tinypic.com/2wnwsnk.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top; padding-top: 90px; text-align: justify;">
OOC: This table is by Snake (alex).

Time had covered the place with dust, though it was almost completely in tact. The building itself was in tact, but there were still some things placed in odd places. It looked like the rats had chewed through some things, and there were moths and other bugs just pretty much chilling wherever.e blades were long, and they had a circular band at one end, while the other just had the tip of the blade. He took out the second one before he placed them both on the dusty glass counter.


OOC: table code, image, and Filler © Jacoby! This table is for DAISUKE only. Steal, and I'll cut your face off.

Your Promises, They look like lies
Your honesty; like a back that hides a knife

Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.Eine neue Füller! Yey für Jacobys endlosen Muse, um diese! Plus! Es ist in Deutsch! Deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache, und es ist Autodidakt! Ich glaube, ich mache eine Hölle eines Jobs Lehre mich.
The Name's Daisuke Ghanjai/Urahazu. You are? Only a genius works in coexistence with their mind and now I dance away, singing a tune that only I can hear.

I promise you,
That i cam FINALLY FREE!


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