what will come

That can explain why he wants to be Jac's right hand man lol

Thinking for a moment Leroy felt comfortable around the one armed man, of any leader this bi-colored has been under none has had his full respect or one that he even likes. Why he liked the man was almost beyond Leroy but he was sure that if anything, anything, he would be beside Jacquez no matter what. For the first time ever..this is his home that has his full loyalty.

"Good that your fine, this? yea it is, my father made me one when i was just a pup." Looking back at the wooden crib for a moment Leroy grinned lightly before turning back to Jac, there was a medium size couch near the wall with a small bottle of smooth liqure that seemed to be unopen. Leroy might not be a born father but he may not be the worest, the worest being one that may eat their children at birth. "Wouldn't you say I did a pack service, expanding the packs ranks?" Leroy's deep voice was followed with a chuckle.

Still the rain fell on the top of the large hotel as his ears flickered forward, listening to Jac speak his red eyes travaled around the room for a moment as he moved to the couch. "Maybe, this place is big enough for everyone and what would a King be without his castel?" Leroy was sure that Jac would like that, he is a king after all. "Colder?" Pausing for a second Leroy smiled a almost devilish smile at the thought, he was built for the snow and that was what he did enjoy but then again he loved his warm sun. "Yes, it hasn't even snowed yet it is merely fall at the moment."


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