slashed a hole in all four tires.

     Even though Gabriel in no way considered himself a wolf, he could not deny his heritage. Dominance ran through his blood, as did the ancestral knowledge that had kept their species alive for centuries. A deeper part of this instinct warned him against the fire, but something had gone wrong. Their kind no longer feared flame as they had learned to. Perhaps this was why he had been chosen for such a task. God wanted to remind the beasts of the earth that they were secondary, they were worthless, and they needed not to forget that there were things out there greater then themselves.
     So focused on the thing he had created was Gabriel that until Anselm barked he had not noticed his cousin had left his side. His head turned and found that not twenty feet from his position was a wealth of great toys. The two de le Poer men were kids turned loose in their own playground. With a wag of the tail, the Aquila gathered the box and began eyeballing the fireworks. While he understood their purpose, he was unsure of exactly what he was playing with. Gabriel understood matches and gasoline. A puzzled look was cast to his cousin, an unspoken question. Certainly he was not the only one who needed a release.


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