Absense makes the heart grow fonder


The ivory and merle femme listened as Jac described the environment surrounding their lands. He was getting better at using terms that she could understand as a blind individual. The ideas of the large mountains, swift moving streams, and empty fields were all perfectly understandable to the gentle Border collie. Her half-folded ears perked in interest as Jac mentioned that he had simply been curious. "Being curious is a good thing. I'm glad you found so many interesting places. Please just try and remember to let me know when you get an urge to go exploring again. That way I won't have to wonder where you are," she requested, knowing that Jac would likely forget. At least she had tried. The ivory and merle femme felt Jac sit down on the rock and she quickly climbed off his shoulders, wanting to sit beside him rather than on top of him.

Once she was sitting down on the warm stone, Ruri wrapped her arms around her one armed king in her usual gesture of familial affection. Then, of course, she leaned her head against him "Why don't you tell me about your trip? What else did you find besides big mountains and streams?" she questioned, her useless, pale blue eyes directed upwards towards his face in the signature pose of an anxious girl awaiting a fantastic story from her big, tough brother. She knew Jac relished the chance to regale her with the tales of his exploits, and she was more than willing to listen.


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