everything looks different from far away
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apologies for slow! 423 words

It was strange. Sofia had left with a very specific destination in mind: Storm. She had been given a vague description of where to find it, and she had actually managed to. Unfortunately, the land no longer hosted any sort of wolf pack. She had stayed a couple days, wandering and exploring and trying to match up landmarks to the stories that her father had told her of his childhood. His graveyard had not been hard to find, right where he always described it: east of the Yawrah River, slightly south of the cave he had lived his adolescent years. But the lands were burnt, ravaged by fire; only the slightest bit of green was fighting to reclaim the soil. There was nothing to live on, there; no one to live with, to die with. So she had followed the scent trails west and west and got here.

At first she had the vague idea that she'd consider all packs while she explored, and she had met canines from a few different ones. Eliza from Dahlia de Mai, Kansas from Crimson Dreams, Geneva from Phoenix Valley. And of course, Kaena from Inferni. They had only talked once, only had that one conversation, but it had struck Sofi deep. She truly and sincerely looked up to that older coyote. Really, though, she never gave the other packs a fair chance. The allure of exploring her coyote heritage was too strong. "Well if you're looking, I'm sure one of these places will speak to you. There's quite a lot of variety between the different packs. Inferni's the one I'm going for, it's a bit east of here."

Sofia was going to say more, but all of a sudden there was a fierce-looking red deer in her field of vision. Of course, in her state of hunger her first thought was how delicious he smelled. But one wolf wasn't enough to take down a deer and the hybrid wasn't in much condition to assist Finn in the kill... And anyway... it seemed as if Finn knew this deer? "It, er, he has a name? How do you talk to.. him? Why isn't he afraid?" So strange! Sofi had never heard of such a thing, a deer and a wolf as friends. God, it wouldn't be anything she could ever do herself, it would drive her crazy to be around something smelling so delicious and not being allowed to even taste a little. It had been months and months and months since she had last had any venison.


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