Exodus 22
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... tokyo3.png); background-position: bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding:15px; padding-bottom:0px;">
man, poor tokyo looks like she won't be able to worm her way out of this with the skull. XD. the "wait" was no wait at all, silly~ 307 words, and exit tokyo! was fun thread ^^

Well at least he had enough sense to realize she was beautiful and deserved to be told so. Unfortunately, though, his next words caused her to bristle. Ignoring the question of why she wanted the skull in the first place, she chose instead to snap back at the suggested answer. "Excuse me, I'm not just some newcomer in Dahlia." She had been there for months and months! "I'm actually one of the highest ranking members in the pack, so there is no "hazing" of me. I just want it, okay?" She was exaggerating some; she was much more a middling-rank sort of wolf at the moment. But she didn't care, it wasn't like this male, whatever his name, would go check the actual facts to her claim. And Tokyo hated being questioned like that, especially when she didn't really have a satisfactory answer ready to hand over.

Unfortunately, he also had enough sense to avoid being played by her. He didn't even make the mistake of trying to lead the way back to his den! Gods, but that was frustrating. In a sour mood, Tokyo realized she should probably give up the game here, because traveling further into the coyote lands did not seem very wise. Especially not with an effective promise to do gross things hung in the air between the two of them. "But fine, you know what? Keep it." She considered throwing it at him, but that would probably be taken as some sort of sign of aggression, so instead she threw it past him into the territory, clearly returning it to the pack which she had stolen it from.

Without any other words, or any sort of explanation as to her sudden change of heart, she turned 'round and stalked away, back towards home empty-handed, her ears pressed back against her skull in annoyance.

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