Can't Kill What's Already Dead

WC: 300+
Nice avatar. ^^

”I am a big fan of keeping my hands to myself.” Finn replied sardonically. Well, that wasn’t really the complete truth either. She like to touch, but not in the way Svara was thinking. Finn enjoyed the feeling of rending flesh with her claws, of biting into fur. The whole soft, gentle touches was something she was not entirely comfortable with. It took a lot of effort not to shrug away as Svara made another pass, but Finn was determined not to play by her rules. This had turned, from a simple, brusque conversation, into a competition. And Finn was gunning to win it.

”Besides, I don’t have any hands.” She said, lifting a paw. She had not shifted for the first time, and did not want to. She clung to her original form like a drowning man. She didn’t want to forget what she was. That said, the urge to shift was driving her batty. It was like someone had poured ants beneath her fur. It wasn’t itchy, but Finn felt as if she had to slip out her skin like some kind of snake. Finn chuckled at Svara’s next words. ”Notches on your bedpost, like?” She hadn’t had any of those. Any male who had tried anything with Finn had promptly become a gelding.

The red wolf came close again, and Finn stared her down, pale eyes boring into the gold. The story was horrific, but Svara was probably lying just as much as Finn. The gray wolf smiled, her lips drawing up to match Svara’s vicious grin. Slowly, Finn leaned forward till her muzzle was right by Svara’s ear. Nope.” She whispered, then back away and laughed again. She was enjoying herself immensely, there was something very pleasurably about lying, and knowing that the person your lying to knows you’re lying. The best part was the lack of guilt. Finn settled again, relaxed in posture, but still on her toes.


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