Can't Kill What's Already Dead
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Svara rolled her yellow eyes at the she wolf. Svara didn't even flinch when her maw came to her ear and the no was breathed into the creases of her aud. Letting her ears lay flat on her skull she gave the grey she wolf a pout to show how unsaticfied she was. "Won't play my game? How fucking rude." Svara said teresly before turning on her and stalking away, her head low and the leather collar hanging loose around her neck.

Leaving the girl behind Svara looked over her shoulder once. "Your no fucking fun." Svara said it with a rude glare before she continued to walk away. She didn't really want to talk to the female to begin with, but she also didn't want to be bored anymore then she had to. The moon was lighting her path enough to give her a route to take. If the female followed her she would probably get angry. The red she wolf had no problem with picking a fight.


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