kill the head before the body is infected.

     His voice was familiar, but it was not as he remembered it. Gabriel did not turn to regard his brother, knowing full and well what daggers were being shot into his back. He could feel them, clawing at his skull, demanding attention and hating what he was. For it was Gabriel, and not Samael, who had been chosen. None of his mother’s children had been given a purpose greater then that of his own. This was the only truth.
     So, he had gone and upset the boy. Fine. “I am bound to her by my duties and nothing more,” he explained simply. “And she has her duty to me.” There was little love between the two, but Gabriel understood that what bound him to Kaena was blood. Her place in Inferni was under him, as she had chosen it to be the day she had walked away from her family.


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