Dancing in the evening light

Anyone is welcome to join I want her to meet all her pack mates.

Ayita watched Svara she was getting a slightly bad feeling. She watched svara move towards her and she felt like her heart would burst through her cream chest her eyes showed the slight hint of fear. But she didn't move she didn't flinch as the women got as close as she did. She should have backed up but she wasn't yet she was slightly scared.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't" She stopped feeling the women place her hands on her mad her nearly flinch and withdraw. She could now hear the rapid beat of her heart in her ears. "I do agree with you." She said. "But for some reason I almost trust you, almost." Her words were strong as her heart slowed.

Seeing how there is no healer yes I was going to." She left out having no knowledge and fearing this most. What did Svara care honestly? "Wouldn't it please you if I and or they died?" She asked.
"I mean you seem to hate everyone even those who try to show you kindness."


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