save the last dance for me
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He hadn't known what her reaction would be. Neither she nor he were particularly mild-mannered; his reaction to her admission had been quiet and reserved. How she would respond, of course, he hadn't tried to plan. Geneva was full of surprises as her personality so greatly contrasted his own; although Jefferson had at first resented the fact that he couldn't predict her every move and direct himself accordingly as if they were playing a great game of chess, but with time the cyclops had at first grown not to mind it and later moved to almost... like it. She was changing him -- he knew it. Jefferson didn't invite it, and yet he didn't stop it. He, the immovable wall, was being moved by the unstoppable force.

And that's what she did. A few precious seconds passed in silence between them after the words left his lips. The brightest smile he had yet to see on her lightened her gentle features so suddenly before she plunged forward, enveloping him in so many motions at once that the cyclops was caught up in her whirlwind; the second his mind stopped spinning did he realize his place, her place, and where they met. His torn, scarred body tensed -- what was going on?! He was Jefferson -- immovable Jefferson! The one-eyed Patriarch was supposed to be an intimidating asshole. People weren't supposed to care for him. The questions he'd asked her before, a thousand times before, sprung back into his head. They weren't repelled with the answers she'd given him, and yet he trusted her -- her reasons, however they worked, he believed. Something about him was worth... loving.

The cyclops leaned out slowly, baffled and confused beyond rationality. His eye peered at her modestly, searching for answers that went unsaid, before he simply pulled her closer and wrapped her in his one-armed embrace.


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