the future is getting away from me
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Though Snake’s line of sight was nowhere near the other coyote’s, he could feel the older male’s gaze boring into him. It made heat rise to his face—strange, especially since he rarely cared if anyone scrutinized him. But perhaps it was the way that this stranger was looking at him, as if he was searching for something. The young coyote couldn’t possibly know that Gabriel could see his parents within his own appearance; it wouldn’t come to his mind first off, even if he did know. All he knew was it made him feel strange.

Finally the other growled that he wasn’t there to take Snake’s food, which was enough to make the younger’s golden ear twitch with surprise. With the further explanation, the Tirones’ posture softened—his head came up marginally, and his shoulders slacked. He didn’t allow his gaze to rise yet, though; perhaps in fear of meeting that wondering gaze. To show that he had understood the older coyote, Snake took a half-step forward, towards the remains of the rabbit. He glanced momentarily towards the stranger (though not anywhere near his face), and sifted through his memory. He decided, when the momentary silence was enough to make his skin crawl in such a circumstance, to take a stab in the dark— “Are you—Gabriel?”

It had taken him a moment to try to remember what Kaena had told him, that day a few weeks ago when he was first accepted into Inferni. She had said that she was only second-in-command of the pack, and that her son, Gabriel, was the Aquila. While Snake was not really familiar with the strange hierarchy of Inferni (it was very different from the totalitarian regime that Patriot had held in New Haven), he knew enough to understand the leadership. While this coyote before him could be any number of the coyotes that lived here along Hades Coast, something about his presence made Snake assume that he was dominant over everyone—therefore leading his thoughts back, like a reference in source code, to that first meeting with Hezekiah and Kaena Lykoi.


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