can you see a shadow on me
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Just like to begin by saying I AM SO SORRY. My arm got wrenched & I was out of commission for a while, so this took the backburner. >< Wc: 700+

The truth of the matter, and the curse of the Marinos it seemed, was that Ghita was happy, or at least at peace, with wherever she was. Whether in Italy or Canada, with her close family or not, nothing seemed to change her opinion - she could still manage to disappear in a moment's notice, or hang around as if nothing really affected her. But it was simply the mask she wore - the mirror projecting what you wanted to see, while the demons thrive underneath. Even when the times were good, with the prey running well and new life in the air, something was always nipping at Ghita's heels, driving her away to pursue another place where she could simply forget.

It was something she strived to do almost her whole life. You would think the defiant female would rise up, snarl in the face of the enemy and take her challenges head-on. That was what you saw on the outside at least. The rebellious fae wore metal in her face, the epitome of her defiance to the wolves around her, hiding her sensitivities. Moving, adventure, and travel seemed to be the one constant in her family's lives - something that they all could count on while their lives were sent into the fire. Although sometimes the fire could burn too quickly, too passionately. That was the risk that you took when you left it unattended.

And so she had returned and found the remaining ashes. It wasn't fair for the children of the sea to be damaged by the flames. They were supposed to be stronger than that - not just because it was Ghita's family. Nobody deserved to have so much stress and unpleasantries dumped on them all at once. It was nothing that they did to deserve it, but simply living with some degree of perseverance. They were simply trying to survive, trying to get by with some degree of dignity and happiness. But there seemed to be too many wrong paths to take.

Other paths were mistier, like those trod on by Ehno and Naniko. The drugs that Cambria had ingested were not directly Naniko's fault, but the fact that she had the drugs in her possession and had left them in plain sight suggested they were Naniko's responsibility. Did that mean that Naniko was to be shunned and turned away from all she knew? Maybe, maybe not. The best of choices, Ghita found, weren't any colour found on the spectrum. Instead of being a crystal clear ivory or a deep engulfing ebony, they were every shade in between.

So when Ehno put forward his opinion, where no one was to be blamed here, Ghita could neither agree nor disagree. She simple shrugged, letting her shoulders roll and her weight shift, before she looked her brother clean in the eye. "Do you believe that?" He was in the unique position of having deep ties to both parties, both wronged by those close to them as well. What Ghita wanted, no, had to ask was what Ehno believed himself, not what he felt that he should believe. "I'm not asking for answers hidden behind prejudices. I'm asking for Ehno."

The red-hot indigence raged it's all-too-familiar dance through her veins, calling for blood in revenge for daring to bring up the subject in such a matter that ravaged her past demons into a frenzy. Deep down, below the abyss, there was a part of her that knew Ehno hadn't meant to spit those words at her, but they still cut like knives. Feeling the anger sink away like blood, the source still lay, a fresh wound, for those to see for the next small while. Narrowed to slits, optics sought out Ehno's unintentionally, while watching the sea carry on it's duty around them. Her mouth opened, desperate to engage in a battle that would see the sparks fly, and metal clash against mettle, but something beyond what Ghita could understand held her back. She resented it, but had to consent. "Forget about it. I no here to regain my old demons."

Ehno's next sentence struck her hard, and she flinched as if across the face. Guilt for her overreaction settled in where rage had been comfortably nesting before, and her paws shook as the meaning settled in. "There seems to be nothing left but to wish good health." The brief statement saw the fae turning to face her brother once more, face devoid of expression, but all the emotions in her eyes alone.


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