just a different scene
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... tloops.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #5B476D solid; font-size: 10px; line-height:12px;">

300+ words.

#####Through her self-imposed emotional torment, Lolita could only think of the fact that she would never be able to escape this constant hell. Regardless of how often she smoked and no matter how alive she felt then, it was a false feeling of comfort; she would never be okay. There was no way for her to have her life back, and she would probably never find some way to escape from her wretched form of existence. Even if someone tried to kill her again, or she worked up enough hatred to do it herself, it seemed unlikely that she would go through the final stages of death. It was disgusting, knowing that she had to continue on like this for the rest of her miserable time on earth, which would never end. Dead, she would continue walking forever, watching as those around her died happily and were laid to rest. Her jealousy flared--why couldn't she have what they had, or would have?

#####Despite her own ragged, dry sobs, her ears picked up on the sound below her, eyes burning into the source of the sound, leaves and twigs beneath someone's feet. "You! It is very rude to sneak up on someone and try to leave without saying anything!" she barked, voice as ragged as her sobs had been before. Shoulders shaking, Lolita propelled herself off of the branch she was perched on, landing in a heap on the ground below. Her body was still, as though it had finally been broken and the anger escaping it, but it was not to be so. She was silent, her shaking subsided. There was nothing more that she wanted in that moment than to fade into the earth beneath her, to fall out of existence. Anger had been in her tone when speaking to the strange coyote, but now, Lolita could not even find the will to move towards him.


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