cycle down;;
Ty waded through the flood waters, going into luperci form to keep himself from swallowing water, allowing his head to stay above the water level, which made it much easier to navigate through the water. He didn't bother to take the high ground, as he liked the cool water on his fur, it was relaxing to him even though was very murky with the dirt and sediment that the water took up. It was at this moment that Asariel caught his eye, to which a small smirk crossed his lips, he knew that coat of fur anywhere. He hadn't seen her since he had broke off that awkward fling session where nothing really had happened between the two. He hadn't talked to or heard from her, like most other wolfs, she seemed to have become solitary after their talk. To see her again brought a good feeling to Ty, she seemed to be in good health, and, as usual, the rainclouds followed her like a guilty conscience.

Wading up alongside the she wolf, Ty let out a lighthearted laugh "So you're the one who has been making all this rain happen, I should have known." He started with another chuckle. "I guess I should have guessed, those storm clouds are always at your back, what weather gods did you piss off huh?" After another session of light laughter, he smiled warmly to his friend and asked with genuine interest. "How are you doing Asariel? I haven't seen you in a while, where have you been hiding?"

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