the art of the possible

So sorry for the delay! And your table is so cute n___n


Hemming did not think anything of the use of 'we', especially because the female always seemed to have other animals around her. Her horse seemed like a constant companion, Saw was typically there, and she had a bird, too. Anyway, the male wasn't usually aware of the subtle nuances of language. Though he appreciated a good story or sonnet, from every day conversation he expected little more than clarity. 'We' did not confuse the matter at all.


He smiled as he continued to work, his fingers smoothing the surface of the bone as Catherine sat down. It was busy work, yet relaxing at the same time. Hemming's attention was not drawn from the whale's ribs until the female commented and asked where they were from. Blowing out the hole he was kneading, with a flurry of dust, he smiled and turned to her. "These are a whale's ribs, I believe. A new friend and I found them at the beach," he replied, remembering with amusement the conditions under which they had been discovered.


Typically oblivious when engaged in some other task, Hemming didn't notice her bulging tummy, his eyes only flitting across the female's face to convey a smile. If he had noticed, he probably wouldn't have mentioned it yet, anyway. Conversations like those could get complicated, and he preferred to keep things simple.


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