remember the gun and the damage it's done.
     More words. They did not register in the Lykoi's head; the only concern in her whole body was removing him from her body. He didn't belong there, she hadn't given him permission, this was Kairo all over again, but instead of a scared, frightened little puppy she was an old woman, grizzled and experienced and she should have been able to goddamn fight him off, but she was scared of him, a fear that had multiplied exponentially over the course of the last night. There was something terribly wrong with him, and for Kaena Lykoi, of all creatures, to think such a thing of another living being, well—that said something.

     The hybrid's claws were sharp and precise, cutting through her own familiar flesh. There was pain, but it was not the object of her pursuit, merely a symptom, a side-effect or sorts. She did not seek harm to her own body for the pain itself. The hybrid became aware of a sensation on her chest, sharp and prodding against her ribs, and in a moment she was on her back, staring at the glossy, clear night sky with a wave rolling weakly over half of her body. The hybrid did not move for a minute, but the words had registered this time, slicing through the dim veil that had fallen over the hybrid's mind. Her yellow-gold eye gained a new light, and she sat up slowly, something like a glower tossed in the grizzled woman's direction at first, recognition slowly falling over the hybrid's solo eye.

     She was wildly different from the sable woman Kaena remembered, spindly limbs and an age to match her own in her face, and the hybrid marveled for just a moment, her hand almost automatically reaching for the chaos star across her chest. It was there because of the canine before her, and out of respect and some foreign-born wolf instincts, the hybrid's muzzle jerked to the ground, immediately reverent of the presence before her. "Misery," she said, both a name and a clear state of mind for her at the moment. There was nothing else the hybrid could think to say at the moment, though if they had met under any other circumstances the hybrid woman would have been filled with talk, questions, answers—anything worth sharing with a noble, like-minded individual Kaena would have shared it.

Table by Mel

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