A Place to Call Home
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/ ... anna-1.png); background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">

word count : 310

It had been some time since she was able to be with her own family. The time had seemed to drag on, never really coming to any sort of conclusion. It wasn't until recently that Aiyanna had decided to search for him as she had set up a makeshift area for living, that was meant to be temporary but ended up being much more than that. Sitting on the soft grasses she massaged her paws, feeling the aches and pains running through her legs. Flicking her tail playfully in the grass, she enjoyed the relaxation, even if it was only going to last for a short time. Aiyanna would need to find herself a den, while getting situated in the pack. There were so many things that she wanted to ask her father, the main one being why he never returned for her. Spending so much of her life taking care of others, it was time to focus on her own well being for a change.

It wasn't long before the wind brought her a strong scent of a familiar being. Instantly her ears perked up, swiveling her head about trying to get a good view of the area around her. Wanting to jump up and run about, she was too tired from her journey. Doda is that really you? She said as her father came into clear view. Pushing herself, she got back to her feet giving a slow stretch before walking towards him. It had been so long since they were able to be in such close proximity to one another. The young female couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion. It has been so long. She said trying to wrap her thoughts around the whole situation. It was hard to figure out whether there should be anger towards him or relief that everything was actually alright.

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