Change comes slowly
Ty sighed as he wandered his way to the ocean, bored as usual. Ty was beginning to see that not much happened in the Valley, or maybe it was still because he was still changing from a war time setting to a rather peaceful setting. Sure, there was a bit of tension between the valley and the infernals, but nothing to what he had witnessed and participated in before. He was trying to be more lazy, but it was getting harder and harder to sit still, perhaps soon Ty would go visit the neighboring packs, just to see what they are all about. He had only heard of the infernals being hostile, but he was curious about the others, would they be so welcoming? Ty was thinking about finding out for himself.

But just as he reached the beach, a place where he often simply sat and went deep into thought, he found that two other wolves had beaten him to the area. One wolf he recognized, a good friend of his, one of the white wolves, who happened to be mates of course. This was the female half, as he so recognized, so it must be Xeris. The other wolf on he other hand Ty did not recognize. His fur was black, but, like Xeris, he could smell the Valley on him, so it was assumed by Ty that this was a new pack mate. A small smile appeared on his face as he crossed his luperci arms and admired the view. He liked seeing new pack mates for the first time, as this was how he would remember them for the first time, he wondered what this new wolf was like, was he nice? Was he fretful? The assumption excited Ty, meeting new people was always a thrill for him.

As he walked onto the beach, he waved one of his hands and shouted out to Xeris "Hey there!" He then jogged over to introduce himself to the new wolf, and catch up with Xeris as well.

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