everything looks different from far away
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so like, i just realized in my joining thread to inferni which is set a couple days after this thread, i have sofi still pretty ravenous. for continuity's sake, maybe they could have a fail!hunting attempt? Big Grin Oh, maybe Sofi can mess it up somehow and feel really badly about it. xD. 416 words

Sofia actually hadn't heard of the particular pack that Finn had mentioned, but her extensive scouring of the neutral lands in the area left pack-sized holes in random splotches of her internal map. Now she had a name for one more of them - Cour des Miracles. The brief description of it sounded pleasantly bohemian, but her heart was set on Inferni at this point. Well, it as something to consider if she was turned away from the coyote pack for her wolfish appearance. She had some blood, she just wasn't sure if it would be enough. Time would tell.

For all Finn's joking tone when calling Alastair stupid, Sofi couldn't help but think that he sort of was. What kind of deer would hang around a wolf? Although.. if he didn't, if he was an unnamed, unknown figure, maybe he would be considered for dinner. Maybe he would have already been made dinner. No, Sofia changed her mind. Once past the first hurdle of actually befriending a predator, it didn't seem too bad to have one as your companion and protector. Finn stepped a bit closer, and manners overwrote caution. After the initial social blunder, it would be just terribly rude for Sofi to flinch or shy away. Her muscles tensed a little, barely perceptibly, but primarily in an effort to keep them from rebelling and showing her vague, nameless fear. The encounter with the coyote in Halifax had started out similarly. Friendly, polite.. And then.. She trembled a little, remembering, hoping not unreasonably that the other female might chalk it up to exhaustion.

After all, her hunger was painfully evident, and her rain-soaked figure had obviously been traveling despite it. "Yeah.. I haven't. We could see if we could catch something." Honestly, Sofia would rather not, she wanted to just keep going and make it to the coyote territory. But she was intending to take a break now anyway, and it felt very rude to turn down an offer like that. Besides, having another canine to help her would make the task infinitely easier than trying to pin something down herself. The thought of food, of fresh raw flesh warming her belly was a huge motivator, too. Finn looked like she could use some meat, too, and Sofia wasn't completely useless. Maybe it would be a mutually beneficial arrangement. She turned her gaze to the forest, goosebumps from her memories of her attack in Halifax causing her to hesitate, to let Finn lead the way.

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