It's all so far apart
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Good closing point? If you want to continue, however, go for it. It's been a fun thread =)

Having cared for his younger sisters for so long, and now with all his experience with his four daughters, it wasn't hard for Jantus to tell when a little girl was bored with him. He knew that he had gotten a little carried away talking about his family, a lot of fathers did. He also figured opening up with a lecture--even one as short as that--probably hadn't been conducive to endearing the little girl into further conversation. It was just as well, he supposed. Daylight was burning and he needed to make more headway toward Phoenix Valley and find a safe place to sleep for the night.

"Not that I or anyone else can figure out, Princess. Vel's just one of those types...she's got the loner instinct pretty strong. I want her to stay, but not if it will make her unhappy." The massive werewolf turned to face the direction of his travels. Somewhere, nearby perhaps, lay Phoenix Valley. Once he arrived, he'd have to make the trip back to the ground and bring them along...assuming he got permission from the pack's alpha. After that, they could get this sad business over with and get back to their lives...and their families.

"To that end, though, I think I need to be on my way. Can't return home until I finish my business here!" With that, he performed an exaggerated bow toward the young she-wolf, and turned to be on his way. "You can come along if you'd like, but you probably have something better to do than jaw with me all day?" He laughed to this, and began on his way, though not so quickly that she couldn't still catch up.


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