Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!

Gabriel's palpable, furious energy seeped into Endymion's pores. The usually passive wolf bristled, a chill traveling up his spine, as he tried to imagine how the Aquila must have felt, but he knew he would never know until that day came. The children of Inferni were trained for war, so they could defend themselves rather well if worse came to worst; Jaded Shadows children, on the other hand, were peaceful and knew little of combat. It would be impossible to decide which group was more fortunate, for both came with a price.
"Good," said the two-year-old in response to Gabriel's first statement. "If he ever threatens Inferni, or any child again, I will be there on the frontlines to oppose him." Endymion's green eyes earnestly sought the coyote's yellow, conveying that the other could trust him. He figured, however, that the Aquila could not, and would not, until the moment of truth actually arrived.


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