Welcome to the world

Skipping everything I'm supposed to do to post for you, Marie, because you're awesome. I <3 you! Sorry this is choppy, I had to completely rework my post since, apparently, the posting order is different than I was informed it would be. >_>; 500+ words.

#####As if like a bolt of negative lightning, another was there quickly. Vigilante recognized her from the first day he had come to the pack, though she was significantly worse for wear. Still, he did not know her name, and still, she radiated energy that less than pleased him. The first day, she had been intriguing, a mystery he was curious about solving, but now, he wanted her to stop talking to him like she had the right to order him to do anything (regardless of whether or not he already was going to do it, which he was, and would have if it had not been for the interuption), but she seemed to know Ayita, and he did not want to complicate the process for his friend just because a female that was too big for her britches got in the way of what he was going to do.

#####"I would suggest you find Leroy in the house and tell him what is going on," he said curtly to the other woman, green gaze stilled settled on Ayita. This was a serious matter, and his polite nature had been pushed aside for the sole purpose to helping the one friend he had in the area. Lifting Ayita by her shoulders and the back of her knees, the mutt held her close to his body in hopes of comforting her, as well as making her feel safe. Without a second look at the scarred red woman, he walked to the house, easing the door open and entering with his friend in his arms. It only took a moment for him to locate the stairs, and then the bedroom within. Settling the woman on the bed, he quickly propped up the pillows behind her so that she could be more comfortable. There were multiple blankets, so he took a darker colored one (just incase it was stained) and placed it underneath her legs for an easier cleaning at the end of the process.

#####Though under any other circumstances, Vigilante would have liked to look around the house to satisfy his curiousity, today, his attention remained focused on Ayita. He had told the stranger to find Leroy and tell him what was happening, so he did not need to do that, instead able to be there completely for his friend. Standing beside the bed, he rested a hand on the blankets so that it was there if she wanted it. "Is there anything I can get for you, Ayita?" He paused then, to allow her time to answer. He would find a way to get her anything she needed, within reason. "Do you want me here, for the birthing? I will leave if you wish me to." It had occurred to him that she might want this to be a private affair for her and Leroy and their puppies, but he was not going to leave until she asked him to. There was also a subtext to his words, regarding the red woman. If he was not wanted here, then he would have to find out if the scarred one was. If not, he would gladly escort her out to help his friend in any way possible.


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