I'm just a Whisper
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/ ... table1.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
WC: 373
Okay, I need to go to bed now... xD

Jacquez stomped moodily along the coastline, his shoulders hunched as he glowered at the sand. Last night Svara Thames had killed herself. The memory made him darkly mutter a string of curse words, his black eyes flashing. She had finally found a way to get under his skin, it seemed, but he would never get the final word this time. Never before had one of his packmates taken their own life. Drowned at sea, sure, that was a risk any sailor took; killed in battle, well, that was probably the best way to go; even starvation had its place in his recollections. But suicide? Pah! How was he expected to forgive her for leaving him hanging?

The clear melodious howl streamed through the air, and he reluctantly raised his muzzle, a veritable pout forming on his lips. He was hardly in the mood to deal with a newcomer, although... he could use a distraction. He hated to brood too long on one topic, and lately he had more and more unpleasant things to brood over. Perhaps this would be worth his time.

The lean dog jogged along the sand, heading in the direction of the grotto. The call had been unfamiliar, but did not come from the scent borders. Whoever was summoning him was trespassing. Jacquez huffed, passing the entrance to his own dwelling cave on the way. He would probably hole himself up after this, and drink a lot of booze to make the bad things go away. Perhaps he would get Finn to spend the night alongside him, or ask Heath to share some liquor. He just knew he couldn't stomach Ruri's grief; as much as she needed him right now, the sight of her tears was too unsettling.

He found himself slowing down as the scent trails mingled; the stranger had been tracking Svara right to her home. Jaw clenched, the moody king kicked a spar of driftwood into the rocky wall, watching it clatter harmlessly outside the entrance to the cave. "You are trespassing in the kingdom of the Cour des Miracles. State your name and business," he growled, uncommonly formal. Whoever was lurking in the dead wolf's home, she had better step outside sharply and greet the monarch.


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