Change comes slowly

ooc: 300+ words

Seven felt like the introductions weren't necessary. He wasn't used to being treated nicely, nor was he used to introductions. Not having a proper name didn't help either. But still, she told him her name and the dark wolf felt like it would be wrong not to tell her his. I'm Seven... My name is Seven, that is, I'm much younger... He smiled. Sometimes his number did work in funny ways.

But, all introductions aside, he pivoted his ears as Xeris starting talking about the virus. So... She was just like him? Well, not exactly like him, but she didn't have the virus. And there's a community that hates Luperci? Bodily fluids meant that he can't even get in a fight with a Luperci if he doesn't want to risk becoming one. And worst of all, he couldn't have a family without becoming a Luperci. Seven thought that he would be overjoyed to hear this. But on the contrary, he was frozen in fear. I... I can't even get in a fight? It's a virus, shouldn't it kill you or something...

The wolf barely managed to say a couple of sentences. He didn't even notice yet another one of his packmates incoming. He swallowed a huge ball of mixed emotions. Right now he could be shot in the head and still not feel it. Only when Ty's words reached his ears did Seven react. The male flinched, turning towards the Luperci and grining his teeth. Half a second and he would've attacked. Luckily, his sanity kicked in and said: "Dude, let me handle it".
Seven lowered his head and stared at the ground. He nearly attacked his packmate, what if someone starts picking a fight with him? What if he would snap and lose control of himself? I'm sorry, Sir... You startled me. Seven whispered.

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