I'm just a Whisper
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His words left her stunned. Whisper stood there for a second feeling faint and frail, contrary to her huge size. She had never been a small wolf, her name was ironic since she was so large. In that second she felt the world was engulfing her. So Svara had never had any intentions of coming back, she had given Night to her. Her pale blue eyes started to sting and her heart ached in her chest. She felt pain for the red she wolf, her brothers mate, she had been so damaged before he had found her and now she had joined him in death, leaving Night behind.

Swallowing she kept her emotions at bay, thinking of the little girl she had to fend for. The male mentioning a collar made her ears lay flat on her skull as she tried not to let the sobbs come out. That stupid leather thing had been her brothers as well, she had seen Svara wearing it the day she had left Night with her. "That Collar was my brothers. Svara was his mate, he is also Night's father." Whisper said softly as she looked over at the little girl. The male seemed to move closer for a better look before she knew what she was doing a growl emitted from her as if warning him, she shimmied closer to night and between him and the cave enterance. "I don't have to prove anything. If she's.....gone, then I guess it doesn't matter anymore. I just couldn't imagine the pain she endured when she left her with me. I knew something was wrong when she didn't come back." Jogging into the cave Whisper picked up the sable girl from her scruff. Instantly she curled her bottom legs up and came slowly awake. Whisper moved up to face the man again ready to leave this land. Svara was no longer alive, so it was a mute point.

Night looked up at the large male set before her, the little sable girls eyes came open wide and bright against her charcol pelt. Bright blue eyes looked up at Jacquez, her little puppy face half asleep and filled with curiosity at the two legged dog before her. Since Whisper didn't change, it was a strange sight for her. She squirmed until the mother wolf sat her down. The grey she wolf hadn't wanted the girl to fuss now, she wanted to get away from all this, apparently she wasn't welcome here, and she had no proof for these wolf that this was Svara's pup. It was best to get out now. Night wobbled on her baby legs in front of her adopted mother, still looking up at Jacquez with big striking blue orbs.


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