I'm just a Whisper
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Whisper was still reluctant to accept the red she wolfs death. Had so much happened so quickly? Her brother and now his mate, all she had left was her niece. Night looked up at her Aunt as if she could feel something was wrong, like always the child didn't dissappoint as she gave a grin. As the grey she wolf thought the little girl waddled her way closer to the large male. She ran into his large foot and her small sharp teeth started chewing on his digits. Sinking her teeth into his flesh as she nibbled quit furosiously.

Whisper saw this and quickly picked the girl up by her scruff and putting her closer to her again. His words had caused her stomach to drop. She could protect herself from winter, but what about the little girl? Was she as strong as the sable pups real mother? Even she knew she wasn't. Whisper may Dwarf Svara and may other wolfs with her huge body, but she was no fighter, she was passionate and determined, but not all that strong.

"I don't know what I'm going to do." She said it meekly, almost to herself.

His offer made her look up with pale eyes. "I'd like that. The collar, she wished you to take care of it?" The grey she wolf understood how much the leather scrap had meant to Svara, and she couldn't imagin her not wanting well of it. Whisper remembered her brother wearing it. "She probably joined him in death. It was for the best I'm sure, but she shouldn't have left her little girl like this." Her pale blue orbs looked at the black ball of fur who was waddling around some more. Her own eyes were not a match for nights, who's were like an aqua and teal that show so bright it was distracting at times. Of course it didn't matter since her eyes could still change color before she reached a month old.

Whispers blue eyes filled with tears as she finally let it all sink in what was going on. "What the hell am I going to do! I can't do this! How can I protect her? I'm not as strong as Svara! Damn it all!" The grey she wolf growled to herself. Night could feel her mothers distress and her own puppy ears lay flat on her skull as she mewed her puppy noises. Looking back at Jacquez it was almost as if the black pup glared at him blaming him for the distress he had caused her mother.


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