scavenge what you will [p]

WC: 500+
Yes we do, especially since Finn's ultra-awesome plot is underway. Do you want to start wrapping this thread up? I'm good for more, but the sooner this one ends, the sooner we can start one in CdM.

Aye, I’ve heard them.” Finn said, quirking her ear. She didn’t know if she’d be able to go through with it, even if she made up her mind! The idea made her skin crawl again, and she distracted herself by staring out at the waters in the bay. The conflict was taking up more and more of her time, occupying the space her usual night-time brooding took up. She’d have to make a decision soon. If she decided to stay a normal wolf, then she’d probably leave Nova Scotia and search out more Nonissi. Perhaps she could live a normal life then.

If not, though… She’d most likely stay, cause a little hell and then settle down with a mate. She wanted a mate. Of all the things she had craved, coveted and envied over her long three years, it was a mate. Someone to understand how her screwed up life still haunted her, to soothe her fears with a couple kind words. She wanted someone next to her, but knowing all the issues that still roiled in her brain, she doubted that finding someone to go steady with would be a long time in coming.

And even if she did find Mr. (Ms?) Right, who said she’d be a good mother? Finn had a very low opinion of her maternal instincts. After all, she had been raised as a male, surrounded by a bunch of other males. She didn’t have a lick of sense when it came to pups. She liked them, for sure, and wished for her own, but with that wish came the deep fear that she would screw everything up like Cuhlain and create a miniature of herself. The last thing Finn wanted to do was created an equally messed up little clone.

”I’d love to see!” Finn said, straightening on her perch and giving Vigilante a bright, beaming smile. She liked Vigilante, and found his company enjoyable. Maybe, maybe once things settled down, and if, if she joined Cour des Miracles, she’d try to get to know him even more. She was curious about his past and his name, but could tell it was a tender topic. It was only fair that she didn’t bring it up now. He had avoided doing the same and for that, Finn was grateful. She didn’t feel like opening that particular can of worms right now, thank you very much.

She perked up a bit at Vigilante’s next words, her grin banishing the thoughts that tumbled through her head once again. ”I’m from the west as well, though not so far north. My family lived in the Rocky Mountains. There was very few of us, compared to your pack. Was just me and my dad and my brothers.” The thought that Vigilante had come from a similar direction cheered Finn greatly. She wasn’t sure why, but it was nice to know that someone else had trekked all that way and ended up I exactly the same place.

"You got a family, back in Cour des Miracles, I mean?" Finn inquired innocently, watching Vigilante out of the corner of her eye, it wasn't very smooth, but it would be just her luck for the canine to be a happily married guy with a couple kids on the way. Finn's luck was either nonexistent, or dealt in the negatives. It could practically be counted upon.


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